Sunday, July 31, 2022

Summer 2022, Covid was a dumpster file or bad politics

 Hey there kiddos.  Girlies. Big girls.  

It has been quite a while since my last letter to you.  Nearly a year.  I think my last post was mid-october in 2021.

I made a video for you.  Unpacking the encoded documents should be hard, but maybe valuable. 

Here it is:  


It was part of a larger video.

If I were more experienced then I would have fixed the volume.  Those 2d-id's have encryption checksum instead of urls, some for technology not imagined yet.  Going from encrypted checksum to source document is hard, but should be more tractable when you are adults.  If I am alive and have enough brain left, then I can tell you (maybe) where to find versions of that.  I have had enough of my stuff taken and used without remuneration.  

You can see on slide one that you are meaningful elements of my life, and from slide two that you are my favorite creatures.

A year after the fact, it has only 74 views (maybe a dozen of them from me).  

I joined the navy immediately after high school, but my ptsd and aspergers, as well as the very unusual nature (very new age, very hippie) of my upbringing led me to leave it early.

I struggled through 15 jobs in 5 years in the middle of new mexico.  It was a terrible time.  Arbys, Dennys, Subway, Burger King.  Some brief stint at NMIMT in their auto-shop.  Hertz car rental, Checker Airport Taxis, "National Research Labs" that made pcb boards but only turned on safety equipment during active osha inspections that happened about twice a month.  Movie theater.  Live-in health care.  Then I moved to Phoenix and worked for Bulle.  I solved 5 deal-breaker problems, big things, for not enough money to even pay rent, had to split an apartment with Tod Landis.  He hired "manager team" who fired me.  Didn't help him, but man it hurt me.  Unique Home Designs, I stood up their internal pipeline for custom security doors, good increase in yield.  Faith Church Janitor.  SMCC.  ARC Flashlight.  I did good for Pete.  His wife didn't like me, and his accountant wanted to rob him so they convinced him to fire me.  That was hard.  

I went to college then.  Home Depot during the summer.  Worked as a tutor/grader/assistant through college.  Spent a summer at Magique Golf (Heath and Sean, sons of Bill) setting up their IT and working through the yield in their production process.  

Some of those photos are other entries on this blog. 

Here is "no mans land":

My mothers life.  A little slice of that hell.  She got us kids across that no-mans land.  We all lived to 18, something my biological father swore we would not do.  Murderous pedo monster. It is a crime that she died before he did.  

In the movie, Jean was the glue that held X-Men together, that brought in the lost wolverine.  It was an imperfect metaphor, but it was the best I could find.  You girls know about the inattentional video. 

I'm running out of time to finish this letter.  I wish I could tell you that I love, you and how very meaningful you are to me.  I wish I could give you hugs and strength that last a lifetime and make your roads straight and your destinations worth having. 

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