Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 2010

It is "O" week for you. You know caps and lower case, all sounds, and sign language signs to from "A" to "O".

You don't show me your face much anymore. You don't look at me and smile like you used to. Those eyes full of trust .. no so much. Mom is the adult in your life - she wears the pants, she gets the smiles.

This is how you normally look at dad.

This is how you look when asked to smile.

These are not the same.

I'm failing at my new attempt at grad school. This is what is called a lose-lose-lose proposition. I can't pay my bills, spend time with wife and daughter, or get opportunity to do the same. I would cry if I could get away with it.

You don't like flying kites anymore. I think they are too complex. Grass was made to run on, not stand and hold a kite.
You are in these gymnastics-esque classes. Animal motions for toddlers, etc.. You love flapping your wings, jumping, and running around in them. You love hiking and taking hikes with mommy.
You have started having more play-dates with friends. That goes over well.

You are getting meaner and meaner to the cats. You kick them, or hit them. We are working on disciplining you .. associating a cost with the behavior .. but that is not the same as you having your heart set on loving or kindness. If you have a baby brother or sister - the moment you realize that they are going to take half of mommy and daddy's attention - what will your heart do? I hope you are loving....

You walked a mile several days ago. Toward the end you were tired, but you did it. You initiated it, and wanted to walk in the neighborhood. We drove the route and it was just over a mile by car. Not bad.

You have started throwing fits, and caterwauling to get your way. I don't know where you came up with that - but it has to go. Maybe this is the "terrible two's" that they talk about. *sigh*

Time to get back to my lose-lose-lose proposition and see if I can keep doing the same thing over and over - but somehow get different results. Wish me luck baby-girl. Even if I just get the same-old results ... at least you have rent paid, and food in your belly this month.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Aug 2010

I know it's been a while since I posted.
We went up to the mountains this weekend to enjoy the cool air.

I don't know why you have nightmares like you do.
You wake up screaming and scared so bad you are shaking.
The darkness has hunted me all of my life - I really don't want that for you.

I'm trying hard to not get fired. Trying to not die young. Trying to provide a good life for you.
How do I give you a good hope for the future?
How do I give you the best chance to be a successful person, a contributing member of society?

Working 60 hours a week for paycheck of 40 hours per week isn't doing it.
Everyone getting hired is Masters degree or higher .. I only have Bachelors.
Yeah ... I listened to my last manager who wanted to have me move up north - and got screwed.
No longer in any grad program - I reapplied to masters.

You want to fly a kite this evening. I want to help you fly it.
I will be working and then in school until 8pm, so ... not going to happen today.
How many days left until you never ask me again?
The Lord knows that I don't want to find out, I want to make the most of the time.
The Lord knows that I want to be flying kites with you when you are old.

You had fun playing with your best friend T. while we were up north.
You are so curious, so wanting to explore everything.
You know your alphabet up to the letter "K" in pictures, sounds, and sign-language. You are so smart little girl.
The world is all about potential wasted - and it wants to see greatness turned to dirt. Don't let it turn you into nothing. Don't let it destroy you.

God please keep my baby girl. Amen.