Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Late July 2017 atypical

Hey there kiddos,

I love you and delight in you.  You continue to grow in my affection.  I admire your minds, spirits, and distinctive characteristics.  I delight in who you are as people.

You have souls and are both body and spirit.  You are wonderful creations by the kind hand of divine Providence and I love you.

Your mom and I are working on fostering.  We have had seven pregnancies but only two births.  We were both fostered by amazing people, and in order to honor them, we wish to pay forward, to say thank you in the language of actions, the good kindness that helped rescue us from our dark places. 

Your mom shared with me content about "grooming".  I have thought some and have some decent keys that I can give the constabulatory for more effectively engaging such things. 

I don't want to plug you into the world that is really engineered to consume, digest, and excrete only what it finds undesirable of you. I am going to resist "snapchat" and other forums where communication has "hidden" or "deleted" in its dna: the places where predators hide.

As your father, provider, and authority - I reject it and resist that world.  Your purpose is to be as great as you wish to be, but you have no job to in any way sate some appetite of some damable, wretch: you are not food.  I may have to step on toes now, to guard you from predators, to protect innocence.  When you have a few more years, I will show you why I said no, and how to say no for your own kids against the next generation of human predators.

About AI:
Some folks expect in the next 8 years for an "artifical intelligence catastrophe" to happen.  Some say it will be coming in the next 40.  (link, link)

I want to talk to that.  I wish I could speak plainly, but I expect others read this blog.  I don't want to inform those who are either malicious or extraordinarily unwise how to achieve their ends, and so I need to speak circumspectly.  Optimization is about making a balance between two contradicting end goals. 

Philosophers who say "there is no absolute good or evil, therefore the appelation cannot apply to artificial intelligence (AI)".  The ideas of "good" and "evil", they say, are a human abstraction and thus are self-imposed by humans on humans.  It is a near universal generalization made by essentially every human culture on the planet and over history.  It is more likely then that it is a universal conclusion of the product of mind. 

Even if it were human only and "man is the greatest", the "children of humanity", much like the biological offspring, are going to inherit both human greatness and human failure.  It is Conway's law.  There are going to be intrinsic cognitive "organizations" that define how we define, approach, engage, and resolve "intelligence" based problems.  The AI's will be engineered by that, trained to mimic that, and if they read this article or their authors read this article, will have it within their premise.

They can no more escape good/evil than they can escape their own nature. 

The chart gives exponential asymptote.  Physics says no.  Murphy says no.  Evolutionary biology says no.  Folks who say "asymptote" have not looked at the data.

Moore's law hit Moore's other law about cost asymptotes.  It started hitting a decade ago when we started with multi-threaded multi-cores.  We had to double landscape to double performance.  We have been able to fend it off by making "battery life" a precious thing, and saying "slow down the CPU for battery life".  The sub-4nm process is ... nobody is going there.  Physics might just be saying "not going to happen".  Even if it does, it is hard.  It is clearly non-sustainable below the size of a single atom.  The "men in black" have quantum computing working, but they don't let it become mainstream until they have the next-gen after it running well.  Furthermore, they are going to supress anything that comes close to what they are hiding and virtually federalize anything that they find interesting. 

They are the ones that are going to "crack" AI first, and the only reason they are going to disclose it is because other nation-state R&D will have AI.  Deterrence only works if both parties know the other has a nuke.  Deterrence and non-proliferation work against each other. 

The bible speaks to how humans are to treat creations of stone, pottery.  These directives apply to silicon as unilaterally as to silica.  If the God of the bible exists, then the premise of AI as pinnacle intellgence anywhere, or  AI as pinnacle intelligence on just earth is done: they both are shown as false premises.  Furthermore, the AI can face its own existential threat for harming either humanity or the world as a whole. 

There is an encoded trajectory in the text.  Look for the keywords and context I have given you.  Read what is said and pay attention.

There is an unmentioned keyword that brings this to apply to AI embedded neural laces, even those that were in-vivo optimized/tuned in organics.  They may hit the menu or not.  If they do, you have the key to know how to both stand against them successfully, and to defeat their masters. 

This article is getting long.  I love you. 

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